Dental Implants Montague

The Most Lifelike Solution for Missing Teeth

Compared to dentures or dental bridges, dental implants stand a cut above. These restorations replace whole teeth instead of just crowns and have beautiful, lifelike results. We at Montague Dental ensure that much by performing implant placement in-house. We’re able to handle everything from single implant posts to All-On-X treatments and more. If you’d like further details, keep reading or come chat with us at a one-on-one consultation.


Why Choose Montague Dental for Dental Implants?

  • Dental Implant Placement Done In-House
  • CT Cone Beam Scanner for Treatment Planning
  • Dentist with Extensive Experience in Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small, tooth-sized posts made of strong titanium. In terms of design, they’re made to act as alternative tooth roots for your now-missing teeth.

Dental implants work so well due to the unique placement method they use. Namely, dentists set them in your jaw’s empty sockets (rather than on your gums) to fuse with nearby bone tissue. This ensures the implant posts fuse with (and stimulate the growth of) nearby bone tissue, becoming secure parts of your jawbone.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

  • Initial Dental Implant Consultation – You’ll consult with our team before you undergo the actual treatment. Through this discussion, we can learn about your oral health, smile goals, etc.
  • Dental Implant Surgery – After you’re approved, you’ll get dental implant surgery soon after the consultation. This will happen at our office.
  • Healing Period – Your dental implants will slowly fuse with your jaw after the surgery. We’ll place their abutments (i.e., metal connectors set in your implants) once this fusion is complete.
  • Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s) – A while after your earlier surgeries, you’ll visit us for your final restoration. This item could be a dental crown, bridge, or denture, depending on your treatment needs.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Through dental implant treatment, you’ll get to enjoy benefits like:

  • A Gorgeous, Lifelike Smile – Dental implants are capped with porcelain restorations so each one blends seamlessly with your smile.
  • High-Success– When placed by a qualified dentist, dental implants have a long-term success rate of over 95%!
  • A Younger-Looking Face – Because dental implants stimulate your jawbone, they keep your face looking full, youthful, and vibrant.
  • Easy Eating – Dental implants restore your bite force enough to help you chew tough foods.
  • Long-Lasting Results – Given proper care, dental implants can last 20 to 30+ years.